And thus the prophecy hath come to pass as it be written in the good book:
"Thus sayeth the Lord: Thou shalt be banished from the holy place for a determined time not to be more than said amount, but not to be less than said amount. In fact, it shall be said amount. And there shall be gnashing and grinding of teeth as thou shalt go to the nether world and those places that shalt not be discussed within the holy place.
"Verily I say unto thee that thou shalt find in that nether place much displeasure and consternation as happens to those who stray from the holy place, and the void that shall fill thine soul shall not be fulfilled in that nether world. Nay, only through much soul searching may thine good self find absolution for thy sins.
"And it shall be upon the passing of the days of reckoning that thou shalt be welcomed once again into the holy place. And there shall be much rejoicing."
Thus endeth the lesson.