Originally Posted by WTF
Is it vain or virtuous to value your value system over another's value system?
Would you fight to the death if the choice was your value system or anothers?
People looting from the elderly are sociopath if they are doing it because they can and not because they have to.
Yes it's vain...why get so wrapped up in what other people believe? Look at the missionaries who go to third world countries...sure they mean well, but they are there to convert. These poor starving people just want running water and a bit of rice and all this comes with a price..." Have you heard the name of our Lord Jesus"...they just want to freakin eat and drink clean water!
I've always been very open about being an Atheist. While I do consider myself spiritual, my morals and values come from taking responsibility for my own actions. Trial and error/school of life, whatever you want to call it.