Originally Posted by Ansley
I had a date and the gentleman asked me to wear heels without a platform. That was pretty easy since I don't have any platforms. So my question is, do men prefer normal heels or platforms?
I prefer bare feet.
(As well as the rest of you.
Actually, I'm kind of old fashioned. So it would never be platforms. Although it is occasionally sexy, I prefer ladies who are comfortable, so flats are pretty much the order of the day. I have met some ladies who routinely wear heels, but I don't think that is the norm. My SO wears them only when the occasion calls for it.
Female flight attendants wear heels while you board or disembark. While serving, they wear flats. But this is probably a safety issue.
Most professional women I know wear running shoes to work (even over their hose), and once at work, switch to heels.