Check out I am on there getting pied with another girl under Stormy Night! I have a few messy sessions that I do as well and am on other sites! Role play is also so much fun in WAM sessions and I had one in which we prepared the room and used the table as if in a restaurant! I was the rich bitch that complained about everything. In the end my credit card was declined and the waiter got his revenge. Pantyhose filled with pudding and pies and covered in messy pudding, pies and cakes then it went to something more erotic. I prefer the smooth and creamy substances cream pies (real cream pies) lol, pudding, slime, batter etc... I am not into sticky substances like honey and molasses etc.. And I definitely could not do spaghettios, baked beans and such. Mud is awesome as well and I have a lot of videos with mud! Man I have to get to Jersey to relive that one again!
Mmmmm yummy!
Gemini Starr aka
staff edit (google away but put the word model with Stormy Night or you will get a lot of books that say it was a dark and Stormy night)