A little bird told me that some of my links didn't work. So, I'll do the rudimentary research and post again.
Now this first one is interesting. Reuters is running a story from May of 2021. They have some wrong facts, but the basis of the story is that Former Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller said that Trump did request National Guard troops that day. Five people did NOT die that day and no policeman was killed on that day.
Here's another from the World Socialist Web site. Though they get the motivation wrong because of TDS, they do admit that Trump wanted the National Guard on the job.
And this one where General Kellog testified that Trump did order National Guard troops that day only to be shut down by Mayor Muriel "what me worry" Bowswer.
Kash Patel in his own words talking about the authorization for troops days before the 6th. Go to 7:38 to catch Kash.
Here is a letter from Mayor Muriel Bowser saying that no request had been made by her and there was no need for federal troops. In other words, Washington DC did not need any help, was not requesting help, and did not want any federal troops in their city.
There's more but I'll let it go here. I have more important things to do. I checked these links out after posting and they work.