Originally Posted by B.Wayne
Now you get into a situation of escelation. Truth is, even some law abbiding citizens dont need to have guns because they can't shoot for anything, but if military and police get to have M4 assault weapons, then that means so do citizens. May be not full auto in most cases, but still it's better to defend yourself with a similar gun than to be limited to only a hand gun, or a hunting rifle. Like I said, I know people that own guns and we have conversations about this stuff. So I'm an outsider looking in and I don't buy a lot of the B.S. they try to sell on CNN I do my own research and look at all sides before making an informed decision. As I'm sure a lot of people here do. Am I right?
I disagree, infringement means any restriction, that would include full auto.
The first thing the British did during revolutionary war and most dictators of the modern world (last 100 years or so) was to take firearms and/or gunpowder from the citizens. A disarmed society is a vulnerable one.