Originally Posted by mrtim83
I think a rating system would help the ladies screen...
My scenario would be where each client had a review section just like the providers.
:-) I hope the mods bring this up to the web devs and to owners to discuss the feasibility of this project. It certainly would help.
I agree there's a need for this option. I used to be on this site and then drop off the board several years ago. I'm just now starting back with private entertainment, so a simple verified option would be nice. A yes I've seen this client type option would be helpful.
I see the potential for abuse of a review system and think certain checks could be put in place to minimize the potential. For example a client driven request for verification, along with controls on the level of information to be share in the review. Sort of like the basic review and the VIP review on TER, but maybe not so detailed.
I know there are other sites that offer free membership on the condition of writing reviews, but I've never been big on writing reviews. I only write them if I have the approval of the provider first, so writing reviews just for free membership can be a challenge sometime.
I've written reviews for TER and for some reason or another they were never approved. I'm not really sure why, maybe they thought I writing them for the free membership or it could have been the reviews were not explicit enough. If it's the latter then I really don't want them to be on the board, there's a certain amount of discretion that should remain private between a provider and a client, besides I don't think it benefits the provider or future clients. Your mileage should vary and to expect that your experience is going to be my experience and vise versa, this level of review can lead to unrealistic expectations and disappointment.
This entertainment is like other forms of art, it's in the eye of the beholder, it's personal and a subjective experience. It's a lot like reviewing your favorite band's live performance, your review is influenced by multiple factors: your mental state, environmental conditions, artist state of mind, and artist performance.
There are going to be off nights, but it's not simply the result of the band's performance. I've been to shows that I've loved and then run into other friends that were there that felt like the performance was flat. There's no point in trying convince them they are wrong, they just had a different experience.
Any work of art is subjective and this line of work certainly falls into the art's category.