Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I think that is the main things these gullible Trump simpletons can't comprehend. It isn't about Biden kicking Trump's ass in votes, it is about the fact that Trump is so disliked by so many people with a brain that they would simply vote for anyone but him to get that piece of shit out of office. You can't give people like Trump power like that. Fortunately, although his cult is too ignorant to understand the obvious, the rest of America was smart enough to realize that and voted accordingly.
I don’t agree with most of your posts, but some have valid points
A year into Trumps presidency I knew if he didn’t learn to keep his mouth shut he would never get reelected. His personality sucked. But not his job performance, especially if you compare him to Biden.
So Biden voter’s choose the “old sweetheart” with a very mediocre 40+ years of job performance.
Comparing Biden job performance vs. Trump’s job performance (forget personalities) and you call Trump supporters ignorant?
You talk a lot about the “market” Let’s say you were picking a broker.
Don the broker was a pain in the ass, always tweeting and emailing you, but 90% of the time he moved your money it was “gold”. He made some mistakes, was a royal pain in the ass, but his moves benefit the vast majority of his clients.
Then there is Joe the “broker” long on experience, but mediocre on clients financial success. And during his recent performance, 90% of his “moves” have been pure “shit” He talked a good game while trying to get you as a client, but during the last year has failed miserably.
Which “broker” would you pick?
You have been “upfront” stating your life is great, and that’s awesome. You’ve worked hard, you deserve all the benefits.
The president’s job is for the betterment of the entire country. That's a tough goal
The Trumpster’s just don’t see that happening and the Biden fans have no positive results of Biden’s presidency to show us.