I still get ticked off my his promo about 9/11. We saw the plane hit the second tower and BY THE END OF THE DAY we knew we were at war. What took him so long on that day?
Lied about braving sniper fire in Bosnia. An uneventful landing. A complete lie.
Lied about being in Cambodia in Christmas of 1968 and blamed Richard Nixon who had not yet taken office.
Lied about being a special forces, Vietnam soldier and a POW. He was in the Marine reserve and never went to Vietnam.
Lied about being in a shot down helicopter and hearing the bullets hitting the air frame. Was in another helicopter that was not shot at.
Lied about being a US Navy SEAL for 20 years. Washed out.
Served in the army but not in the special forces like he claimed for years.
In his seven months of military service he flew to Australia, his plane got lost, he got the Silver Star and returned in time to win his old congressional seat in a special election.
Seven democrats, seven liars....is this a trend?