Originally Posted by bigtex
Who said anything about the current temperature in "Hell?"
The point that apparently flew over your pointy little white hat was that your nephew TrendingIdiot apparently feels that the Democratic candidate for US Senator has an obligation to disclose her voting history.
Is the Idiot Klan, errrr Clan, now opposed to the basic principle of an American citizen being able to cast a secret ballot, without fear of reprisal?
Where in the Constitution does it say that the Idiot Klan, errrr Clan, has a right to know her voting history?
Everyone has a right to privacy, including financial matters, except limited disclosure by public office candidates. The point here is that she is ashamed to be proud of who she voted for. Most people are, but no one is compelled to disclose, protected by the right (there's that pesky rule of law again) to secret ballot.
The salient point is that the president's (lower case intentional) policies, and by association the democratic party's policies (l.c. again) are unsustainable, indefensible, and illogical, and taken at objective face value do not enhance the stature of anyone, especially those aspiring for public office leadership. No one wants to admit to embarrassing personal information. Bill Clinton wouldn't admit he inhaled or had sex, Lois Lerner took the 5th amendment while asserting innocence (her right), barack obama will never release his college transcripts, eric holder claims executive privilege for withholding administrative public records, on and on. Can anyone see a pattern? democrats are not exclusively guilty, but they garner the lion's share of shame. It's hard to admit to the world that you are ugly. No on is forced to, and no one wants to, but the self evident truth is usually on embarrassing public display.