I'd buy a 35000000 home that I don't need,
4-6 more cars, that would sit in my driveway and rarely drive,
a boat and ski jet that I'd never use
a shitty, horrible money mgt team,(since yall labeled yours "Good" LOL(tip[ MY CHOICE!!)
-open a restaurant(really unlikely that would workout)
-get a bunch, 100 or so, obese people, tell them if they would get lean and keep being lean for a year, I'd give them each $10K, cash,,do that.. if you've been obese and get lean, I've changed your life
marry a few gals with no prenup, true love and all(an other smart move)
make a lot of loans to friends and family, I'm sure that'll work out
I would take the lump sum, 949 millon, lump sum 588millons after taxes about 418million
and just keep it under my mattresss and eat out more often