I'm not sure where you get your information from, but I would suggest this - next time you go to your obgyn ask her what the risks are for having protected intercourse while you have your period.
If you personally choose not to for your personal reasons, fine.
The only misconception to having period sex is to have unprotected sex. It is not a hall pass for not being able to get pregnant.
I will be 35 in less than two weeks and I have never had one complaint from my methods. I even do it when I am not "working" and in a relationship where my partner prefers to not have messy situations. I'm actually grateful that my obgyn suggested this to me when I was 18. I am a gazillion times hornier when the lovely lady comes. I don't let her interfere with my life one bit.
Like I said, if you personally choose not to, sure. Your choice.
Edit: by the way.. I can't speak for Goldie, I can only assume.. But I know I wasn't - and I don't think she was either - being rude in any way..