Originally Posted by Cockpunch
I wasn’t. Ask dubielicious.. she’s seen me before
Cock•punch seriously has the biGGest bRain I've eveR had the pleasure of pushing mY boundaries for!
I have a bit of training on how to measure things properly AandD realistically knowing measurement is what makes me a GRRreat scientist and cook...
It's not been measured by me buTT I'm sure without a doubt it's biGGer than 11 1/2" and more than 3 1/2" in girth.
That's my personal record.
I didn't conquer his punch to my throat.
(( AandD not for the lack of trying ))
I onLy touched his pelvis bone three times for like two second each.
AandD that even took time.
I did have a blast and it turned out I did find my limit.
If your in need of of a serious seSSion.
Seek him out for ReaL!
These days I have more tips for success than I did then, so it would be an honor to get a redo for better video than last time, AandD proper measurements.
I do know that out of 40+ years of exploration I've never met a bRain couldn't conquer and his gave me a run for my honey!
He he he