Your articles very first sentence says the Kremlin claims,... who besides you and a few others of questionable loyalty to this country that are on this site give two shits about what the Kremlin claims?
Here's the facts, until 2014 Ukraine has no intention of joining NATO until Russia invaded Crimea, then and only then did it become a priority.
And besides that who besides Putin and of course you thinks they can tell the Ukraine or all of the other former Warsaw pact countries or any of the countries of Europe for that matter, that they cannot practice freedom of association.
Why would you think that a country must stick to an agreement made 30 years ago by two men not even of their country dictating their future choices?
You all liked that dictating part!
I'll bet when you saw the word you had to wipe your lips, huh?
But I digress!
Ukraine is practicing freedom!
Just as Finland recently did!
That is freedom like it or not! Ukraine is fighting OUR war!
Bankrupting our enemy, draining his treasury and killing him in the process!
Russia has always been our sworn enemy, except for the trump years!
And as I said to another one of your fellow travelers before!
Our treasury can stand the strain, thiers can't!
Sleepy Joe can send all of the old M16's and worn out Bradleys he wants!
I get a kick out of knowing those old M16's are finally being pointed in the right direction!
Get some Sleepy!
Fuck Putin!
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Biden is a incompetent stooge puppet doing what the neo-con warmongers tell him to do
now about those theories ...
seems like they are facts ...
The origin of the betrayal claim
To understand Russia’s claims of betrayal, it is necessary to review the reassurances then US secretary of state James A. Baker made to former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev during a meeting on February 9, 1990. In a discussion on the status of a reunited Germany, the two men agreed that NATO would not extend past the territory of East Germany, a promise repeated by NATO’s secretary general in a speech on May 17 that same year in Brussels.
Russia and the West finally struck an agreement in September that would allow NATO to station its troops beyond the Iron Curtain. However, the deal only concerned a reunified Germany, with further eastward expansion being inconceivable at the time.
so tell me again Putin invaded Ukraine unprovoked?
Controversy in Russia regarding the legitimacy of eastward NATO expansion
NATO added 16 new member states since the dissolution of the Soviet Union
opposing this proxy war does not mean support for Russia.
it means the US should stop its decades old warmongering.
got it?