Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Although i understand what you are saying and agree with it exactly how are they a burden to me?
Last I checked I have choices.
LL this wasn't directed at you. I was just making a statement.
I do not know how "they" (or anyone) specifically and directly is a burden on you ... but (again, pardon the pun) ....
... speaking in generalities when someone's "choices" project over into my "zone," whether it be physical, financial, and/or environmentally, then tolerating and/or dealing with their "choices" become an inappropropriate burden for me.
In everyday life, the impact of being fat drives up insurance, taxes, health care costs, discomfort when sitting on an airplane, and even inconvenience just walking down the aisle at the grocery store ... not to mention the "dinks" on the side of my vehicles because someone is too big to get out of their vehicle without hammering mine with the door of theirs!
A list is almost endless.
When others' "choices" begin to impact my "choices," then it is not my responsibility to adjust my "choices" to accommodate their "choices" ...
... at least in "my world" that is the case. I don't know about "your world."
There are probably some folks who post every now and then on here who have met me and they will agree, no doubt, that I could lose a few pounds, but I don't consider myself "obese" even though I do not fit the "insurance company" profile hanging on the wall of doctors' offices, and my weight has fluctuated as an adult, and even though I am probably older than most who post on here, I do try to keep myself moving and eating at a good pace so that fat doesn't become a problem for me ....or...
anyone else. Of course, that is "my choice."
Wakup, I don't intend to make this thread about me, at all. Because I know it is about you. My apologies.