Originally Posted by waverunner234
Joe Blow
You're making a point that does make some sense.
The republican states HAVE TO BE the most generous states when it comes to giving to the poor, because (if I remember correctly we concluded in another thread) the republican states are also the poorest states in the US. Democratic states don't have to give so much to charity because there is less poverty. Less needy people, less uneducated people, less people without health insurance.
What a way to be proud of your state to be generous to the poor after you create poverty first.
(I love the term "Bullies with Bibles". Rick Perry is a great example.)
Red states are thriving while the liberal states are going broke. Texas has had the stongest economy in the country for several years and is being overun with Californians evacuating their dying liberal economy.
Whole subdivisions are being bull dozed in liberal Detroit because of its decreasing population caused by failed liberal policies.
Conservatism produces wealth. Liberalism produces poverty and destroys the human spirit. Socialism is a cancer that eventually kills if it is not rooted out.