Originally Posted by boardman
For someone who doesn't give a shit you sure seem to give a shit...you keep coming back for more humiliation. Wait, are you into that kind of kink?
Didn't you need to go stir up some trouble somewhere, cuss some people out, violate some standards or something? How's that RTMing working out for ya?
Just now reading this .
I am by far humiliated, but I will show you what kind of "kink" I'm into..
Photo coming soon, stay tuned..(Very edgy, and never been seen outta me)Chains coming to a city near you..
I don't hit RTMs I can hold my own, I wish the rules didn't apply for me, as
like yourself.. I would smooth cuss you out, and make the "real" boardman feel it, and turn over in his grave
like I said I don't argue with the dead.
You want me to put a name on who you are though, I'm sure folks already know who you are with everything being said..?