I have a thought
I saw a recent post by RN Sweetie detailing what she called was a rude response. I would have called it down right degrading or demeaning. And it would have scared me.
This is not the first time I have had to read what a nice lady here has had to endure. It is sad, but it prompted this thought:
Unfortunately, the business the ladies here are in can have a fine line between the erotic and the degrading. Or better put, attracks those seeking true fantasy erotic fulfillment and those predators seeking to demean and degrade. Eroticism attracks both kinds. But the nature of this business does lend to vulnerability, and that attracks the predator.
I understand there are those out there who disagree with what may or may not occur on this board on moral grounds (I am not one), but no one deserves to be treated like that, except maybe KSM or Laughner.
It's upsetting to me, for the obvious, I can't tell you how appreciative I am that there are ladies out there willing to provide this service. BUt it is also upsetting because it makes my life much harder, the lady (understandably) needs to do more screening, and of course when you want to inquire about things like dirty talk, you have to wonder if this experience is going to make her skeptical.
It is good to put out the alerts; guys like these will eventually physically harm a woman. I'm sorry this happens, there should be more appreciation for you all.