Lookout -- Backup, Missing Device, security.
Air Horn -- Noise maker
Alchemy and Alchemy Classic -- a game where you combine elements to make more complex stuff.
Astro File manager -- when I am looking for files, easy to use.
Android System Information -- Has dashboard, system, tasks, apps, logs. easier to check out stuff than settings.
Chuck Norris Jokes -- humor
FxCamera -- Camera app.
Gem Miner -- game
Ghost Radar Classic -- finds ghosts.
Google Translate -- language translate.
Jewels -- game
Magic 8 Ball -- Just like the 8 Ball that I had as a kid.
Mortplayer Music -- for playing my mp3 music.
Office Space Soundboard -- sound bites from the movie
Paper Toss -- game
Relax and sleep -- helps you sleep.
Rodo Defense free -- game
Rockplayer free version -- I can my music video and movies on it
Scanner radio -- hear 911 calls from different cities, and countries.
SchottGunn -- shotgun ak my boom stick
Solo Lite -- guitar.
Spark -- works just the ones you see in the stores.
Talking Roby free and Talking Tom Free -- fun little animate characters that repeat what you say. you can even record it send to facebook.
TeslsaLed -- flashlight, can do morse code and strobe.
TMZ -- like TV show TMZ
IMDB -- just like the website
Unistaller -- get rid of programs you don't like or change you mind after trying them out.
Word Drop -- game
Zedge -- free ringtones , so far they have over 480, 850 ringtones. You can even get zedge.com, and ringtones sent to your phone; even get ringtones sent other types of phone. They have ringtones, videos, wallpapers, games, TxTs, and Themes.