It's all designed to tax us with the burden of proving our innocence and they secretly meet in the smoke to figure out how to shift your funds to their purposes. The next level of people are unaware of the vast control of the top people but are masters of applying the principals... both knowingly and unknowingly, dependent upon who you are; as some of this gear is ran by inherent operation with no question of purpose or tactics discussed; just jurisprudence and cash for clean up at so many levels in a world designed by chaos and defined by power to the fact that we are stuplified and blind (if you will). So we smile and make somebody's day and hope we don't get caught in such a societal trap of the top 1%... hmmm, seems the choice is to be illegal, immoral or both
no matter what we represent!
Kinda the same idea as seven different uses for the word "FUCK"
Geez, maybe if someone opened this thread up to the media we might get a lil respect as not being the hosers and hose-monsters living up to our necks with drugs and filth: as the brain washed 'outsiders to the hobby' tend to believe- because they too operate inherently; especially in the thinking department. After all, I am your sister, your daughter, your mother and (roflmao) your "fucking" X... and that's in the literal form of "Fuck"...
But you guys are right "shutting the FUCK" up (see, there it is again) is what you have to do in this country. It's our founding principals and thrives today in all walks of life... good, bad or ugly... nothing at all like the ants.