Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Yep, COsFb, WTF has it pretty rough. He's trying to locate his target which is sort of like trying to catch a gnat in a tornado. Got to give him props, though, he's actually trying to find a sign of it.
Not that hard to find the person who drank all the Kool Aid or in her case, Tea.
She is like a Parrot, repeating WTF ever her Master (Tea Party) says.
Right now it is, "Obamacare's Stealth Tax on Home sellers will effect everyone, especially the elderly!"
Even when she is corrected with actual facts , she still believes the lying e-mail.
Now she has people defending her because I'm not polite enough. She repeats lies and I'm the bad guy for correcting them!
I thought Jim Jones got rid of all the Kool Aid drinkers...(you gotta be old to know wtf that means, sadly I admit)