Originally Posted by Whirlaway
So your beef is that Ryan isn't conservative (small government) enough ?
If so, I would agree that the more conservative the better; I actually was hoping for a Gary Johnson pick (LP)...
And the list of greivances that any one state can level against the other is limitless; NY state policies on immigration for example cost taxpayers across the country untold billions. And many of us are tired of tolerating it.
I'd love Gary Johnson, It's amazing he gets almost no traction nationally.
It's more like wise spending versus dumb spending, the actual level of spending doesn't matter much as long as it's wise.
NYS doesn't have an immigration policy, the United states does. I don't think the problem here is anywhere near the problem in the south west. Bottom line NYS pays out more in FED taxes than it receives back in spending, thus making it a net subsidisor to the rest of the country.