Originally Posted by jframe2
It might help if you mentioned which state you are having your problem.
Consumer law will vary from state to state.
Tell us not only what state, but what city, too. For example, if the matter is in Texas, it could be El Paso, Beaumont, Wichita Falls, or Galveston. Not too many lawyers regularly practice all over the Lone Star State.
In my opinion, there are many better ways to find an attorney than posting on this board. As I've written many times before, providers post lawyer ISOs and some jackal lawyer contacts them, gets some free wangy-bangy, then screws up their case. The girl gets fucked and then gets fucked, too.
To find a good lawyer, ask trustworthy family members and friends for a referral. Even if they don't know a lawyer who specializes in the topic of your case, the lawyer may know a good lawyer who does.
Also, the State Bar of Texas has a database that can be searched by name, city, area of practice, and whether the attorney is board-certified in an area of law, among other things. For example, to be board-certified in consumer law, an attorney has to practice in that area of law for a number of years, then pass a comprehensive written test on consumer law. Here's the link to the search screen:
State Bar of Texas, Find a Lawyer
Finally, I'll say it again: PAY YOUR LAWYER WITH MONEY, NOT PUSSY. Lawyers and providers may both fuck their clients for money, but they should never trade services.