The name of the act was (is) Glass-Steagall. Don't rely on spell check or post without your glasses on. An excerpt from a textbook was written by Jonathan Macey in 2000 after the passing of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act in 1999. His orginal publication explained that the rules of GSA forbad the mixing of investment and savings capital by instutitutions. The GlBA removed that prohibition by allowing some hoop jumping by unscrupulous investment officers. A loop hole if you will for opportuntistic investment officers. Increased the risk, increased the rewards but without the knowledge of the individual investor.
FYI, GSA was passed in 1933 so I don't know what act you're talking about that is over a hundred years old.
Macey, Jonathon (2000), The Business of Banking before and after Gramm-Leach-Bliley. Yes, its only Wikipedia but You're not arguing with just me but him as well.