Open ended bailouts continuing...
The Shadow bail outs: How Big Banks bilk US towns and taxpayers
Must be nice to have unlimited amounts of cash and not have to play by the rules as everybody else.
Derivatives and swaps isn't that a sneaky way of saying "insurance"? That way they don't have to be regulated like most insurance..
Courts have dismissed complaints from aggrieved borrowers alleging securities fraud, ruling that interest-rate swaps are privately negotiated contracts, not securities; and “a deal is a deal.” So says contract law, strictly construed; but municipal governments and the taxpayers supporting them clearly have a claim in equity. The banks have made outrageous profits by capitalizing on their own misdeeds. They have already been paid several times over: first with taxpayer bailout money; then with nearly free loans from the Fed; then with fees, penalties and exaggerated losses imposed on municipalities and other counterparties under the interest rate swaps themselves.
The vici code is dead.. the vici code is dead.. all along with those traditional bankers..the vici code is dead!