Ender: I previously mentioned GB was in an interview with Esquire. My mistake.
It was Forbes. Please copy and paste the following link into your browser. There is a link in the article to the original article. Hence my point. He's an entertainer with a point of view. I don't have to take him seriously, he doesn't act like he wants to be taken seriously, and the best thing he does is make money, not teach or preach. Good for him. I hope his kids can go to Harvard, graduate and come home to tell him how full of crap he is. HAHA
As to Maher...he is a comedian. One can go to him for political advice at at their peril. You won't hear me quote him unless I think the joke was funny.
Dirty, I guess I like the punch line approach a lot better. If Beck got audited, I never heard a peep about it, so he must have not owed anything, or it would have hit the media. Guess he and Wesley Snipes won't be sharing a cell. I'll leave the picture of what would have occurred if they had shared a cell to the fertile minds that abound here.