Originally Posted by Daen1304
If I remember my Bible correctly, Jesus had no issues with working girls. Granted my take on the new testament was that Jesus went around telling everyone to take the sticks out of their asses and start treating each other like decent human beings, then he left this world and his followers went back to putting sticks up their asses. So, I might not be the best source for commenting on Christian music.
I've noticed your posts lately and you have a good way of looking at things.
And yes, my interpretation is that Jesus didn't have a problem with working girls, either. Quite the opposite.
Music: Often, it's either Etta James or more frequently, the classical radio station in Dallas. But one day, I was giving a handjob and Wagner's "Ride of the Valkries" came on and it was just weird.
What happens is sometimes, you start the oral sex or the hand action to the rhythm of the music. It's just wrong.