so im trying to talk shelly winters into takeing a ride with me on the chandelier thats now become a floor centerpiece if you know what i mean but gene hackmans all like we have to go up to where the propeller is,the boats upside down now and im like wheres the fire captin ahab,actualy there were several fires,so we follow that son of a preacher man and he gets us to the propeller room,i try to talk the cute girl into giveing me a saltwater stripper slide along the way but she aint hearing it,when we get there father flannagan has to take the big leap of faith so to speak to save our ass and gets a permanent baptism in the process,we make it to the propeller room and they cut us out with a blow tourch and i get lucky with the cute girl on the way back to dry land,getin rescued must make girls horney,all in all not a bad summer vacation.