Originally Posted by chelsea simms
little did i know when entering into this line of fun, what was in store for me. i thought that this would be some easy quick cash. OH NO! First you have to get on the web this takes a degree in computer programing, as well a journalism and media publications, THEN you have to advertise to get noticed, another college major in itself ,and if thats not enough we dive head first into private investigations to be able to screen a client, and next is becoming an expert in setting appointments and juggling time , finally might as well get an accounting ticket to be able to handle the numbers. should have applied at some co. as chief CEO What yall think???
You're young, fit and have a great body. I am surprised you have to work so hard to make it in this business. Screening aside, all you should do with the looks you have is to have hot pictures in your showcase (check), post an add (check), and write down on a piece of paper each day your daily schedule... and then burn the paper at the end of the day. That's it.
For ideas what not to do, how not to market yourself and how not to make friends, stop by Houston's coed section and read posts by "sofiaofhouston".