Originally Posted by catnipdipper
Since I am single again I have been browsing the Personals just to see what is posted.
"Must be Real" WTF if you are breathing you are real?
Psycobabble or what is it they are requesting?
Willing to let down all your guard and tell the girl all of your deep dark secrets, holding nothing back; so that she can make an evaluation of your male qualifications and reject you on the first date after you spent $200 for dinner. The next day she will be able to discuss why you weren't good enough for the perfect her with all of her girl friends, and put the information on line for all to see. If you aren't good enough for her, it is then her duty to tell all other women that you aren't good enough for them either.
If she later discovers that you have more money then she thought; stay out of site and don't answer any phone calls from her, her family or her friends.
In short, pay it cool. You don't have to reveal everything on the first date.