Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
I believe that is illegal, but if declare war on a country it is not
Is it possible with all the unrest and over throws in the middle east is do to the fact that Iraq is a democracy because of GW?
Yes, it's illegal, just like Obama's hit on OBL. I think we should change our laws (with a new set of checks and balances) so we can take out the douche bags without going to war. It's a different world out there now and we need to adapt or suffer the consequences.
No, the unrest and overthrows are not the result of GWB policies and actions, in my opinion. GWB was and is hated outside of America (and to a large degree within America). GWB was like a stick poking multiple hornets nests. Remember the shoe incident (I loved that)?
The recent unrest and overthrows are due to Internet-enabled awareness (again, in my opinion). If people become informed and think for themselves, it's much harder to maintain oppression. That's why extremist Muslim, Jewish, and Christian religions have deprived women of equal rights to education over the centuries. The Internet is making that more difficult.