Originally Posted by Sony63
At least your seeing some of them. I've tried to get 2 providers in Amarillo to at least call me back and have had no luck there. And on my recent business/ski/hobby trip to Northern New Mexico, I had 3 sessions set up and only had ONE meet up with me. And when the one's have come through Lubbock I've been out of town on business or been too busy to get free to see them.
Sorry to hear that, as a general rule I don't ever contact anyone that doesn't have some good feed back on this site and what was another site last year.
I don't really have any complaints about any of the new friends I have been meeting here lately, it just seems last year several of the my new friends and me had some extreme great times and I was able to spend sometime with quite a few that just Rocked My World.
Maybe it is just everyone is just depressed about the economy.
As far as Amarillo, which is normally home base, I've never had much luck there either; however, there is a few people I know that travel through...I will send you a pm on as I know when they are coming.