Yea so she’s a potential friend of most people in NWA.
Would be happy to provide more details. She asked me for money via cash app about 2 weeks ago for a room and ofc I said no. Why are you asking me first of all? Because I’m a sweet person, I would assume. Which is well known, in our group of “friends”. Btw have not had a full conversation with this lady/woman/girl ever.
She is best friends with an (ex) best friend of mine and they know I am more than willing to share. Ok….. I love to share love with people I care about.
I have known her as an acquaintance for years now. I will be happy to share her stories related to me that I have now. Not sure what I can post on here…
She was quite popular in the NWA community over the past year or two. I have provided Referals, etc. definitely didn’t feel the vibe of theft from her. But would ofc love to share as I’m doing now.
Hopefully didn’t overshare. But would also like to have none of my friends go through anything similar.