Originally Posted by yeahsurewhatev
... No "misunderstanding" at all there, mate...
Just the basic facts... And I'll surely agree-with you
that they gave a "historically based argument" - but it
was NOT "carefully reasoned" - as it's missing a few points.
... While I can both understand and appreciate History
and Culture of Hawaii, let's not allow appreciation to
uh... trump our common sense.
... Some of the history and culture becomes rather moot
as running a modern government - or at least it was
back in the 1950s as Hawaii surely became the 50th state.
So then preserving the US Constitution and Bill of Rights
takes precedent over historic customs and tribal laws.
... Maybe THAT is the reason other former customs
and rites are no longer in practice today.
Or should throwing sacrifices into volcanoes still happen??
The US Supreme Court should and will step in to
preserve the 2nd Amendment.
#### Salty