Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
ministry of truth bill? that has to be a joke.
The headline seems searchable. You know how the J6 was festered with government agitators, infiltrators, conductors, aka handlers and what not? Pfffftttz, that peanuts compared to how many actual and former Feds have infiltrated social media. Not even counting all the other agencies and supposedly non affiliated groups. You can Googlie search: Twitter Files
So it's one thing to listen in - and listen in they do. Edward Snowden showed us a peek behind the curtain. Then turning around and censoring or banning voices that they don't like. And then there is old bag Hellery and Obamma who only want you to listen to "approved" news outlet of their choosing.
The vacuum then gets turned up to turbo mode and now the government wants all the banking records (papers) and other forms of communication. Does anyone believe that the IRS sucking bank account info is a good thing? Anyone excited to get their 1099-Ks next year? Because it won't just be the elite that get them.