If you got top get back to your cruise ship. Stick with legal Brothels. Your only choice is the Pleasure Palace. They will get it done on command with out fail. They have a impeccable reputation and never play games like what you could get from a corrupt cab driver. When you are on the ferry and your phone gets a signal near PDC, call them tell them to come get you, they bring you back to where ever too. However, this is not a cheap way to getting some pussy. This is legal and clean so no BB anything, maybe you can get anal but the price on that is so way over the top, forget it. Prices at pleasure palace I think are now like $200 I think for an hour. This is a legal CLEAN brothel, you don't have to worry about anything, for that you got to pay more. And if you got to be back on board that day, take no chances. Stick Pleasure Palace. They are close to where the ferry lands but call them anyway, Brothels are not allowed to be marked with a sign. You might feel weird if its your first time knocking on a quiet nice homes door looking for a whore.. so call them get free ride, tip him $5 done deal
If you are staying in PDC and got a lot time to fart around, then do try this: if you want to find more economic providers (and a very wide range of providers), use this website
https://mx.mileroticos.com/escorts/q...o/solidaridad/ go here is pleasure palace is too expensive and you got time to mess around a bit, use pesos. You can priceshop by converting pesos to USD and you can see the price is a fraction of pleasure palace but then you are dealing with meeting up, girls can flake and no-show just like over here, going back and forth as usual.
solidaridad I think means PDC. you have to use whatsapp, then get a language converter on your phone or copy paste from google translator. Lot of these girls now have apartments or places where you dont have to get a hotel, if you want a hotel for a few hours in PDC I heard a lot of good things about hotel Chocolate