But the technology is keeping up with you! Soon gov will know exactly where you are at all times. Already that way in china. They connect your name, address, phone #s, emails, social media accounts, websites, what you watch, you bank account, your credit/debit cards, your pictures with facial recognition, and more.
Apple has really cheaped out on their products. I had a 2006 macbook pro with a 2012 operating system that could run circles around my newer macbook pro!
Leaving off USB ports is just another way of being cheap, yet charging you more! Apple also took away DVD drives because they said dvd's were dead. They never thought that many instructional dvd's from small companies are still sold. They thought everyone just watched hollyweird crap, and they want you to pay to stream it.
There was software I had on my old computer that I had purchased from 3rd party developers. I did what I wanted it to do. Now I can't use it because everything has to be 64 bit. 32 bit,, 16 bit, and even earlier worked fine. Apple has made it complicated so that you 3rd party software developers can't create programs for us to use.
Apple even took away Aperture, which was a good photo program. Photos is not anywhere near as good. Most of Apple's software is not near as good as was the old 3rd party stuff.
Remember going into a store and seeing shelf after shelf of sotware for sale; how much do you see now?
As for phones, they want to keep you in a constant purchase loop. Your phone is a tracking device!