Originally Posted by Grace Preston
So.. you've actually noticed. Yet-- in the right wing media, it reads as though every Democrat is a Socialist Marxist because of the most loud nutters on the left. Much like the spin that every Republican is a KKK loving redneck racist-- even though most of the party denounces that faction of the party.
I'm waiting for people to realize that the far factions on both sides have EVERYTHING to gain if they can get the moderates to fight with each other.
Yes Grace,
Noticed a while back. AOC has brought back exactly zero to her district.
In today's electoral world the ad junkies disguise this by harping on how progressive or conservative or middle a candidate is, which is the wrong metric. I would think that the canidate that actually brings home federal funds would be preferred.
Also, excellent point of political subgroups trying to get fights started in other subgroups to perhaps pick up a couple folks or move them to another sub-group. But it's not just the far left or far right. This is classic politics for thousands of years based on voting power to hopefully bring home the bacon.