Originally Posted by Brooks352
Neta, I apologize that you felt so indifferent about our interactions. But it seems to me that you have left out key points of the entire situation. You are the one who ultimately bailed on the encounter. If you remember we set the official time for the next morning. It was an after thought since you came into town so early to do an extra encounter. Which happened to be on Mothers Day. Which due to personal reasons turned out very bad for me. I apologize that even with me being totally honest about everything that you decided to bail on our actual time. And then attempt to bash me for my first mothers day without my children and I just so happen to have an emotional reaction that messed up your play time.
That's one of the most non-apologetic apologies I've ever seen.
Why don't you just say "I'm sorry you're an asshole", it would have the same level of sincerity.
It would be a little easier to look at you sympathetically if you hadn't ripped birddog off and been a jerk to him about it too. Remember him? He had his first Mothers' Day without his hundred dollars. Have you returned his deposit yet?