Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Interesting. You do realize that The New Republic is a rather far left publication?
As the article states, 538 predictions are more right than they are wrong. Whereas RealClearPolitics gives ACTUAL poll results, 538 weight the poll results based on their past accuracy. Right or wrong.
The paragraph you took from the article casts him as a conservative, which I never thought about. I do follow his polling information, none of which is his own, and I read what he has to say and I think he has a neutral stance on most issues.
And what people really forget is that nate silver is a numbers and statistics guy. His site was originally far more sports oriented than anything else, but he expanded his analysis to many other areas.
And I agree that for the most part, he is relatively neutral in his politcal bent and relies on analyzing numbers for his statements. I've seen people on both sides of the aisle get pissed when his projections don't match what they believe is going to happen.
He tracked the 2016 election very accurately and even predicted Trumps chance at winning based on the margin of error of all the polls. Few forecasters and pundits were willing to even mention that Trump had a shot based on polling numbers.