Originally Posted by LuvHerMadlyEverytime
I also read many of the big charities that ask for money for cancer research or for homeless folks keep most of the money to themselves. I have not donated any money to any charity since. Even the red cross that always ask for money after every big disaster, I question and have doubts. Only donations now I make is to providers. At least I know what I am getting for my $.
indeed. the guy on the street corner might be gaming you, he might not be homeless, he might not be willing to work for food. but at least the $2 you hand him is his, not 50 cents, after a middleman siphons off $1.50
I have a relative who works for the Red Cross, he was here for a few days, when Katrina victims from Houston were housed at the Convention Center. his expense account allowed him to buy me lunch, about $15.. sure, that is not a lot, but that came out of someone's donation pocket, who didn't intend for some ECCIE Whoremonger to eat on his dime, LOL