Originally Posted by oeb11
"I'm glad Trump is POTUS."
Where did that come from?
Methinks the Mystic doth protest too much!
Lol oeb. Its kind of like the amateur boxer who thinks hes some bad mother fucker that can whip anyone and everyone. Hes always talking shit about how great he is. Finally after a while someone says ok, take a shot at the big boys, box a professional. He gets in the ring with a pro. The pro plays around with him a few rounds. The amateur thinks hes really something special. Then after a few rounds, lets say 2 years for example, the pro starts punching the fuck out of the amateur. One punch after another beating him to a pulp. The pro knows he can knock his punk ass out whenever he gets ready to. But instead he teaches him a lesson. The amateur goes away with his head between his legs. That's whats happening to Trump right now