Originally Posted by 4pargolf
Well, sir, if you could point out to the issue that you find fault with? is it the content? the story? the narrative? wasnt it engaging enough for you? were you expecting an american story, with a happy ending, where the girl is saved and the bad guy punished?
Please feel free to contact me with your complains at
nutcase@eatabagofdicks.cum or 1800-463-8775 (800-go-f-ursl)
If a look at the bottom of the barrel scares you, I agree, it is ugly, sad and scary.
But if you think you are not part of this, think again. Once you cross the line and pay for sex, you are just a cog in this industry.
There are no whores with a heart of gold. There are no gentlemen in this trade. We are all assholes.
Get out of this hobby. This is not for you. You are a good man. You only paid a couple of times for sex. You are pure, and good, and a true american. Save the whores, chide the johns, clean the streets.
It will not be difficult, sex and altering mood substances have been part of humanity only for a few thousand years...