Originally Posted by Nicolefoxx1
How else do you get your photos put on here with out going through attachments? Lol
Get an account on an image host and link them to here from there.
www.imagecoast.com is what a lot of us use. However they have a size limit on images too, though larger than eccie.
When you upload your images to imagecoast, they have something on there where you can resize them. It's usually best to get them down to about 600 or 700 pixels wide, because eccie is just going to resize them down to that anyway.
Miragepics.com is another image host I've been using lately and I don't think they have a size limit. I've never run into one anyway.
If you get an account on one of those and need help to learn how to post using it, just text me and I'll walk you through it.