Black Man Hitting On White Women
I know every situation is different, but anyone else notices a tinge of difficulty here?
I'm a social guy. Athletic, attractive by most standards. Have a great job. Anywhere I go, I engage in stimulating conversation. In bars where black women are plentiful, I subtly change up the game, but my approach is the same. And I don't normally have any problems connecting, getting their numbers, and...well you know.
However, in situations/bars where white women are plentiful, I'm never given the time of day. Yeah, I'll find reasons to draw them into conversations until the point where we're all having fun but at the end of the night, she'll be heading to the bedroom of one of my compadres.
I've had many sexual encounters with white women before, but it's rarely originated from a public situation. 99% of the time, it's come from one-on-one situations that forced both of us in a certain space for a certain allotted time. Which is a scenario that just happens randomly and not something you can "create".
I hate to pull the race card, but is it because of this? Not in the traditional sense, but do my race (coupled with my candidly frank personality) turn white women off? I have a black compadre who sometimes benefits from my personality. He's not the social type, more of the quiet lone wolf. I pull white women in with convo, and he sometimes goes home with them. Hardly saying more than 100 words the entire time.
It's mind boggling lol If there's any constructive criticism, it is highly recommended.