Originally Posted by StandinStraight
The democrats are all races and religions, they are a mirror of America.....
......you should take a seat in my class some day and see the diversity of person and thought amongst young people.......
.......it does take a Village.....
Hillary and Bill are completely God-less creatures...they've said so with their words and actions for years. Barack is a closet muzzie...a muzzies believe in a "prophet" that was a murdering, Jew-and-Christian hating pedophile. Any political party that embraces peoples of this "religion" have hopelessly lost their way. Islam preaches hate...a system of law (Sharia) that crushes people. No thanks, not for me.
Your class..? Again, you are a fraud. Stop telling people what you do in RL...we don't fuckin' care, dickweed.
Hillary's village....? Again, No Thank You.