Texas_Goddess Not So Godly...
I KNOW you can never trust a provider, but think it is good to give fair warning. I have twice set up an hour session with Texas_Goddess and twice been left holding the, errr, bag... The first time I was enroute to her incall when she texted and said she "forgot" that she was menstruating heavily and couldn't see me... Really?, I thought... That caught her completely off guard? I know... It happens... But today... I tried again... She texted: "Come On Over." and then never answered another text! I PMd her to let her know of my displeasure over her disrespect for MY time only to be texted with a barrage of nasty texting from her tonight... She was upset that I sent a PM through eccie... Really? She wouldn't answer any texting! Soooo... The bottom line is that if you make an appointment with Texas_Goddess... Even more than normal... Make sure you have a back up plan!