Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
That is almost an unanswerable question and honestly, what does it matter?
Asking for bbfs has become a rampant, and completely unwanted, issue and request. Giving it a numerical value, which wouldn't be a relevant number anyway, just seems to give the request even more validity.
Almost like suggestioning (or giving merit to) well others are asking, it's alright for me to ask, too. Just my thoughts on it.
I agree. The question was not the best it might be. It asked- how many asked but didn't give 0. If that were listed, or if it asked, how many had without asking, different poll results. The question is important, and the responder has to be intelligent enough to answer the question for a poll to be +-10% accurate.
Pollsters are the current day carpetbaggers or snakeoil sellers. Or lobbyists. oops better stop here. Getting to close to trouble.