Try calling the SMU or UTD computer lab.Tell them you need a Student tech guru and your rate is $x per hour and you need them to do the following job. Anybody looking for work? Over the last ten years while in high school/college,I've gotten Romanian Coders, Asian PHD software engineers,Russian hackers, and even a few mail order Slovs looking to close a deal. lol. Caveat Emptor. Kind of like ECCIE for computers but with out the reviews. Seriously though I hired like four SMU phd cand. for like $30/hr and kept them on as needed until they degreed and got their Silicon Valley bid. Beat the shit out of fhe Gheek Sqaud(fing worhtless). Good luck!
ps if you need a computer. they can build pretty much anything in a week. They pull brand new parts off the web or will take your existing box and update it. Ahh, no warranties so factor that ghetto element into your pricing.