Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Just goes to show other members how this board is biased. That's why I will continue to post the "other side of the story" for all to see. After Bush and 9/11, I wised up to what is really going on in this country. Over one-half of our budget is spent on defense and military, when it could easily be used to take care of needs here at home. It's because the military industrial complex and a lot of other government subsidiaries are using tax payer dollars to fund the "capitalism chronies" like Lockheed-Martin, Haliburton, and many others. Tax payer dollars were used to bail out the banks and people still ignore what is going on. Now, banks exploit the poor and declining economy with more credit and loans. That's where banks make most of their money, on the poor, just getting payday loans and like to keep a roof over their head. Taxes have been consistently lowered for major multi-national corporations and the super rich, through loopholes and tax shelters. The middle class takes the brunt of this unfair practice. Like I said before, have the super rich and multi-national corporations pay their fair share and start with a fair tax code for all. I think working wages should have a minimal tax and that capital gains should be taxed as income, because it is income (without working).
What kind of world are we leaving to our children and their children? It's scary folks.
That's just an outright falsehood. We spend about 20 percent of our budget on defense. That's not half. Not by a long shot.